01323 388150
Vitamin C

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is essential for a multitude of processes in the body, but can vary in its availability from food as well as being easily destroyed in cooking.

It can help to maintain the normal functioning of the immune system, release energy and support the nervous system as well as aid the formation of collagen, bones skin and cartilage.

We are unable to produce vitamin C ourselves, so we must obtain it from outside sources.

Items: 14 of 4
SKU Product name   Price  
VG6285 Tasty C 500mg

    30 Chewable Vtabs

  • £3.45
VG6660 Vitamin C 1000mg

    60 Vtabs

  • £8.45
VG6584 Softer-C 1000 Only 5 left in stock; more coming.

    30 Vtabs

  • £6.95
VG6672 Softer-C 500

    60 Vtabs

  • £7.95
